“Someone once said the meaning of life is the resolution of
conflict between good and evil for the Glory of God”.
Anyone, anywhere, at any age is in the battle.
The 21st Century: David vs. Goliath
The proverbial battle has raged since the beginning of recorded time: good vs. evil; God vs. the devil. History records those victorious battles for good, and once man learns the victory in doing good and being blessed, very often his pride slowly turns him to the hunger for power, wealth, and being worshiped; mans rejection of good, their rejection of God, has cause nations and empires to fall. America is in such a battle this very hour. Everyone, everywhere at every age is in the battle.
From the beginning we have always had a choice: partake from the tree of life or the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The choices are simply “There is a God vs. no god, absolute truths vs. values clarification (situation ethics), long term gratification vs. immediate gratification, serve others vs. serve yourself, internal self government vs. external government by others, eternal hope vs. death.
Explaining the mess we’re in and taking down Goliath.
Goliath was a giant of old. He towered over the son of man at almost 10 feet tall: he was loud, boastful, intimidating, a fear mongering, evil force that terrified anyone who oppose his presence. Think of Goliath today as a global cartel that has seized the media, arts, the scientific community, political systems, educational institutions and sold America the biggest lies ever told to an unsuspecting public. Goliath is succeeding in spite of a glaring logical fallacy taught to every first year student of practical logic: “A mistake in the premise will show up in the conclusion.”
Step One: Recognizing the Problem
For more than half a century only one view of the origin of life has been allowed in our schools; evolution. This is bias. This is censorship. This is forced indoctrination. Complete with compulsory attendance. We all know this is a fact. Why hasn’t scientific creationism even been considered? Why is nothing being done?
Step Two: Assessing the Problem
The convincing lie painted by Goliath goes like this: “We will teach only Pure Science untarnished by superstition or religion.” Who could fault this “fair to all” proposal? It is appealing on its face. Every student of history knows the sad results of mixing church and state. Think Islam. Think Oliver Cromwell. Some historians paint him as bad as the Catholics he replaced. Burnings at stake continued regardless of “which God Party” was in power.
Do you see Goliath’s deceptions? First in equating religion to superstition, and secondly, as it has worked out, equating religion with God.
The correct formulation they have contrived is “government and religion don’t mix.” The David position as stated when he picked up the five smooth stones: Government with God in the picture works.
How has the Goliath cartel gotten away with their deception?
Step Three: Seeing through the deception
Goliath’s covenant with the public:”Let’s teach science in the science class and reject religion being taught in school.” And by the way, we (Goliath) get to determine What Is And What Is Not SCIENCE. However when equally credentialed scientists offer evidence for God with rational and valid data (Intelligent Design, Specified Complexity and Fine Tuning), they are shouted down derisively and dismissively as “Religious.” Who gave Goliath the authority to decide what is and is not “science?” Remember the emergence of Goliath from the line of enemy troops: loud, boasting, over bearing, critical, intimidating, and terrifying. Take a stand against him and what do we hear from the cartel in every sphere he has taken over?
In other words Goliath’s intimidating campaign is, “we will deal with the facts and you can have your faith”. How is that working for America… the world?
We find a great deal that is not science, that in no way measures up to the standards of the scientific method, (Observable, Repeatable and Verifiable by an independent third party), has been foisted upon us Under the Guise of Science.
And when necessary the Goliath Team has not hesitated to engage in Intimidation, Coercion, Fear, Smoke and Mirrors, appeal to Prestige, Condescension, Arrogance, and Appeal to Authority, Deception and other forms of Bullying.
Why they are winning (so far).
Step Four: The fatal flaw. A bogus starting point
The cartel has presented a facade to us of “Millions of tons of evidence and millions of books by researchers with impeccable credentials.” Time Out for a moment.
It is necessary to point out that it is a Fact that, for some people, the existence of God would be Very Bad News Indeed!
So, who are these strangers presenting evidence to you that, they say, proves the irrelevance of God? Do you have any reason to believe what they say?
Goliath begins with a radical commitment to Naturalism. They contend that only the physical world exists. They say if anything exists beyond the five senses, how could we ever discern it? But of course the space you are in right now is filled with TV and Radio and Cell Phone waves, and magnetic lines of force pointing north. And at the seaside, tides come in and go out. All of which are not discernible with the unaided 5 senses. Goliath replies loudly with intimidation to us “We can detect all these things with our instruments. We rest our case!”
When we find a reality they cannot dismiss, their case dissolves. Consider this:
You and I have a vast library of memories that are real; experiences that are real. We live by a set of Values, Love, Justice, Kindness, Mercy and much more that are REAL. The Goliath team has no basis to prove they are real, only the tangible exists. They believe they can adequately explain everything we see and experience this way. “They have discovered the phenomena of “Natural Selection.” And, they believe that life may have begun billions of years ago when lightning struck a primordial swamp and life began. Over billions of years, and billions of generations, it has evolved upward to everything we see and experience today. (See, no need for God!)
They have the credentials and the letters after their names. They are the authorities, bought and paid for with fear of losing their precious jobs. Who are we to question the findings of the professionals whatever their motives?
Here in lies our weakness, our fear of picking up the five smooth stones and calling on God to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy’s offensive efforts. We have been called to resolve the conflict between good and evil for the glory of God. Here is a start.
Step Five: The reality beyond the five senses
It can be daunting, can’t it? But we can try. We must try.
Is there anything we can know without having to depend on a stranger in a white lab coat? It turns out quite a bit! You can look at the world around you and see a very high degree of Order, of organization from the very smallest things to the very largest.
Why? Is it more likely, in your mind that it is the result of a “force” called Natural Selection, believed by Sir Richard Dawkins to be “blind, mindless and without purpose.” Or is a better answer that it is the result of a MIND? And within this vast display of order, we find a very wide variety of “things”. Team Goliath will say anything to reject our faith in God. For instance: Mother nature is the reason for migration, the order of the species, etc.. Mother nature NO; Father God YES!!!
Do you think this is more likely to be the result of a “blind, mindless and without purpose” force, or of an intelligent MIND? Looking at the Order and Diversity more closely we find a mind boggling array of COMPLEXITY. What is its origin: a blind, mindless and without purpose “force or a MIND? The very scientists who are trying to convince us of “no God” say the Balance of nature, ECOLOGY is precarious and threatened. If a mindless, purposeless, naturalistic process produced all this order, i.e. our world is the result of something Blind, mindless and etc. why worry? Or is naturalism relying on a MIND to create order?
When we look at the world we find a very great amount of UTILITY. Of things we can eat. And build with. And so on. Is this likely the result of a “Blind, etc.? Or of a MIND?
Finally, the most obvious clue of all is the fact that Creation is very COMPREHENDABLE. It is Understandable, Rational, and Dependable. It makes sense. If you believe that this is best answered by a MIND, you are ready for some spiritual warfare.
Team Dark begins at their very starting point, that only the physical exists. All the data is interpreted from this perspective. No wonder they don’t find God! Their so called “mountains of evidence” and libraries filled with thousands of volumes, are no more than weaponized lies, viewing the data with an anti-supernatural bias. They assume, BUT CANNOT PROVE, that nothing exists beyond the physical. Their unshakable commitment to only the tangible may satisfy them but they have no right to insist the rest of us go along with it!
So the flaw in the beginning is revealed in their conclusion of “There is No GOD!”
These are breath taking claims that Team Goliath is running a colossal scam with no real science to back it up. Why should you believe this? The Clincher:
If Team Goliath’s claims were valid they would not need to censor opposing views. If they were as confident as they say. If all the evidence favored them – they would welcome comparison, knowing they held all the cards. The fact that they do not, will not, prove they know they cannot win. THIS IS WHY THEY MUST RESORT TO BULLYING TACTICS!
Goliath’s team has taken advantage of our ignorance for far too long. It’s time to call them out. These are things that even young children can understand – if you invest the time with them. The fortress that seems so impenetrable, so impregnable, so formidable, is an illusion waiting for people of faith to take on and destroy, Goliath’s ever pressing lies from top to bottom.
God revealed to David the vulnerability in Goliath’s armor. Could not this be the “sweet spot” that takes down our goliath?
The five offense stones to be used against Goliath are:
- Media: News and PBS types
- The Arts: Hollywood, Nashville and NY
- Education: Riffle shoot curriculum
- Science: The myth of evolution
- Politics; Focus on the self serving foxes in the hen house
It’s God battle to win! We serve the King and watch the kingdoms fall. |